Nina Ebbighausen Shares Insights on Evolving Classroom Design
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Higher education spaces are rapidly evolving. Nina Ebbighausen, principal at Alliiance, and adjunct associate professor at the University of Minnesota, shared her insights in The Chronicle of Higher Education’s recent article “The Evolving College Classroom.” The piece explores the current challenges facing higher education institutions and the future of learning environment design.
Nina, whose experience teaching often inspires her practice, is a strong advocate for and expert in designing spaces that support student-centered learning. Her contributions reflect the commitment of Alliiance’s Academic Studio to create environments that empower connection and engagement. “Students have social needs, special learning needs, [and] mental-health needs,” she notes in the article, emphasizing how design must adapt to students’ evolving needs and preferences.
Discover more on the evolving trends in classroom design in The Chronicle of Higher Education’s article here.