U.A. Plumbers Union Local 15


U.A. Plumbers Union Local 15


Maple Grove, MN


Renovated offices, training labs, and outdoor spaces


88,000 SF

The U.A. Plumbers Local Union No. 15 takes pride in protecting the safety and health of the community through their craft. Their new home, in an extensively renovated manufacturing facility, elevates this mission by consolidating multiple union and training locations into one state-of-the-art facility. Co-locating these programs provides opportunities to boost membership and retention; accelerates knowledge sharing and socialization; and amplifies their community and culture.

The facility includes office spaces; various shared spaces including a new outdoor terrace; modular hands-on classrooms; and specialized teaching labs with robust HVAC, plumbing, and electrical infrastructure. All the spaces reflect the latest ideas in teaching pedagogies and technology integration. The building’s finishes incorporate common industrial materials, elevated with simple detailing—aligning well with the straightforward and honest values of the plumbers.

Flexibility and occupant well-being are core concepts for the entire facility. Daylight, views, and wayfinding enhance cognitive resetting, boost concentration, and improve physical and mental health. The functional and modular design provides the faculty with tremendous flexibility to adapt with the innovative technologies and techniques in their industry.