University of Minnesota—Bee and Pollinator Research Laboratory


University of Minnesota


St. Paul, MN


Laboratories and offices for bee and pollinator research


10,500 sf

The Bee Research Laboratory is a flexible, state-of-the-art academic research laboratory that facilitates groundbreaking work on pollinator’s health and biodiversity. Led by world-renowned bee expert, Dr. Marla Spivak, this facility complements the pastoral St. Paul Campus. The color of the building was derived from the colors of honey and honeybees.

The Bee Research Laboratory includes the following research capabilities:

  • Laboratories to support field research and biological science research
  • Experimental beekeeping equipment, commercial-grade honey extraction, maintenance and storage
  • Offices to support primary investigators, associate researchers, outreach and support staff
  • Demonstration pollinator garden, beekeeping apiary, and an area for donor recognition